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Sunday, March 2, 2014

march 1, 2014

IMPORTANT:  THE SHOP IS CLOSED UNTIL FRIDAY, MARCH 21st.  as most of you already know, i will be a vendor for the first time as a yarn shop at the pittsburgh knit & crochet festival at the 4 points sheraton north march 14-16.  check out their website:  pittsburgh knit and
if you have a chance to come out, i am booth number 41.  i am really excited and anxious about my first show as a yarn shop.  yes, i'm used to setting up as a knitter and felter but its so different this time, taking my yarns and figuring out the best way to maximize a 10 x 10 space.  

if you need a yarn fix or are in dire need, you certainly can call me and stop over to get what you need but other than that, the place will be more disorganized than usual packing for the show.

lucy was born friday february 21 to mathilda.  mathilda is a very good mom and i know she is well taken care of!  more to be born soon!  she is named after my mom's next door neighbor who is now in her 90's!

MARCH BIRTHDAYS!  (this newsletter i am including all birthdays in the month of march, instead of just the first two weeks)  so birthday wishes go out to
alice c. on 3/3; kay f on 3/11; diane p on 3/21; and kathy a on 3/25. don't forget to come get your birthday certificates ladies!

door prize winner from february - dorothy gerhard!  dorothy was here last friday with her daughter and 3 beautiful granddaughters, all with different shades of blue eyes!

thursday march 6:  purlin girls meet at the bean 
saturdays march 1, 8, and 15:  craftique fiber art group at craftique
wednesday, march 5:  baby sweater KAL meet at raggz (weather permitting)
shop CLOSED til march 21st

monday, march 24 at 1:00 jump ring bracelet pair
wednesday, march 26 at 1:00 nancy's finishing class
monday, march 31 at 1:00 cuff class (second class april 7) 
see my website for details on the class:


on again/off again class went very well and the students learned ten different ways to cast on and bind off, all with their own usefulness or look.

it's always nice to learn a variety of ways to do this and have the option of adding, for example, a picot edge (bind off OR cast on) to a scarf, hat, or baby item.

from wool to wonderful felt flowers class 
one of the fun things about teaching a class is that i ALWAYS learn some thing too!  the ladies made gorgeous multi colored flowers and added them to the string of hand dipped lights to make such a beautiful addition to a room.  i, myself, had been making my flowers one color other than the centers but my students, being much more colorful than i, went off and used colors i wouldn't have thought of putting together but they were gorgeous!  maia had to leave for an appointment early, so her lights are not featured below but check these out:
kathy working hard trying to get that roving to felt!

looks a little like elf hats sitting in a row, doesn't it?


marlene's finished light string
kathy's lights already displayed on her mantel!

yesterday tom and i got a lot of work done up on the farm with the weather warming up at least temporarily.  my plan was to go up and help him feed and head back home to finish working on my display for the show; however, we decided to clean stalls, move the animals around, spread the manure in the fields, and do some general clean up.  

seems every time i work up on the farm i get hurt being the klutz that i am.  first off, i went up with tom on the tractor to spread the manure because you have to get down off of the tractor and set two heavy metal levers so that the chains move the manure to the back of the spreader to be shot out onto the fields (and i do mean SHOT  -- i even got hit in the back of the head with a chunk of wet manure while sitting on the tractor).  well it kept getting stuck so we had to get off the tractor and manually (with bare hands mind you) dig through manure to unstick it from the blades.  let me describe this to you:  the manure is almost a solid wet mass entwined with hay and urine so its a very thick dark muck and very strong.  now i luckily LIKE the smell of manure but i don't like it dug under my fingernails and all over my bare hands.  as soon as we got it unstuck, i went down to the barn to rinse my hands off but alas we had to do this several times.  i was thinking of the couple of scrapes and cuts i had on my hand and how this manure is now oozing into my bloodstream.

oh well nothing i could do about it now.  one of the last loads we did, i got off the tractor to re-set the metal levers back into the off position, which is up in the air over my head.  can you see where this is going?  i thought i was diligent about making sure the first one was locked before re-setting the second one.  as i reached under the first one to set the second one, the one which was obviously not locked in came loose and hit me directly in the face just under my right eye.  i literally saw stars and wanted to cry.  poor tom.  i just walked away because when i'm hurt you have to ignore me because i get mean.  he was asking me if i was ok and i was yelling YES JUST GO!!!  ha ha now its funny.  he was worried and i could see the swelling begin under my eye almost immediately.  i was hoping it didn't crack my orbital bone but after an hour or so it was no longer throbbing and i was fine.  i may end up with a little bruise but overall i got off easy i think.  lesson learned.

just before dark, we hobbled into the house, every muscle aching!  i went upstairs to scour my hands and realized i didn't have a nail brush so i grabbed an extra toothbrush and got my nails all cleaned out.  we fell asleep early last night needless to say.   note to self:  be more active in the winter…

that's all i've got for now.  gotta finish up some online felting classes and get ready for the show.  have a good couple of weeks everyone and i'm here if you need anything.  i'll miss my fridays at the table with the chubby knitters club but will see you all later in the month if i don't see you at the show!  wish me luck!

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