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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

i think it really is spring - i'm sitting outside in the beautiful sunshine under blue skies writing this blog!  now that we are milking goats again, the girls have been keeping me busy trying to utilize all this fresh milk, so i've been making yoghurt, ricotta, and mozzarella.  just what i needed - something ELSE to do.  i was busy planting flowers the other day as well.  you will notice that while he was home last weekend, zach removed those huge bushes that were crowding the planter out front and it looks so different.  now my flowers will finally get some much-needed sunlight.  i got the front of the house washed down and i'm ready to do some painting out front and get my new storm door installed.  tom also got the new light put in the dining room so its nice and bright in there as well as the living room!  phew...

i've been feeling an organizing bug lately and have finally gotten my office space and studio tidied up.  at least now i have half an idea where things are and dont have to step over anything to get in!  i have made myself a new 'to do' list, which is way longer than i had hoped and this time i'll try not to lose it.  today i was able to cross two things off that list. (happy happy joy joy!) 

so along that line, i have decided to do some spring cleaning and for the entire month of may, ALL yarn will be 10% off, including yarn in the bargain bin (which has been added to) and seconds yarn (i am expecting a big shipment from brown sheep within a day or two).  also all needles, patterns, books, buttons, roving and accessories will be 10% off during may.  so this includes just about everything except items sold on consignment.

what's new?
ICE yarns, that's what!  direct from turkey and none of which i have seen before.   

also new - extra cords for the hiya hiya sharp sets, which come in handy when your wips are getting out of hand.

check out new beautiful colors of roving for your wet and needle felting needs, new artworx handcrafted buttons from north carolina, and new books by elizabeth zimmerman.

wednesday, may 8 crochet edgings at a new time 2:00
wednesday, may 22 freeform crochet also at 2:00
saturday, may 26 pagewood garden path silk scarf 1:00
saturday, june 1, beaded cabochon 1:00

in june, i will be holding a free class on broomstick lace - check the website for details on this and all the other classes.

happy birthday greetings to melissa marasia and sylvia elliott!

amazing stitches class at the bean went well considering there were 15 students.  as i have said to many of you, i have a newfound appreciation for real teachers with large classrooms.  it was a little overwhelming for me, but i hope most of the ladies went away with an understanding of bumps, beads, and bobbles.  i know several of you are working on the pattern i supplied for the class utilizing all three stitches. 

thursday, may 2 purlin girls meet at the bean at noon
saturday-sunday, may 4-5 maryland sheep and wool
thursday, may 9 naughty knotty knitters meet at raggz 1:00
sunday, may 12 is mothers day*
monday, may 13 fiber art meet up group at panera gbg 2:00
tuesday, may 14 KA 1-7
shop hours friday 10-6 
*every day is mother's day, isnt it?

please remember to submit your email address on my blog page - this will allow you to receive bi-monthly updates.  there is a box on the right side just above old pictures and postings.  just put your email address in there.  after the next couple of months, i will not be sending out the updates via email, as my list is growing too large for me to send.  when i see you have signed up for the updates on the blog, i will remove your name from the list i send out so you dont get them twice.  thanks for your support!  also beginning in may, i will be having contests and prizes given to those who sign up and/or post a comment!  may's blog prize will be a copy of elizabeth zimmerman's book 'the opinionated knitter'.  

i'm very excited to be heading to maryland this saturday.  i have two seats left in the car if anyone would care to join us.  departure time is 5:00 a.m. from here at the shop and we will return home around 9-9:30 totally exhausted, deliriously happy, and probably a little sunburned. 

see you soon!


  1. testing to see if the comment section is working

  2. Have a need to see your new Ice yarns...sounds coool.
