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Friday, March 1, 2013

february went out like a lamb for cherry hollow farm!  as you all know, mathilda birthed twin all white boys named buddy and peachy on february 22 and no-name mama birthed an all black girl (not yet named) on tuesday, february 26 while i was teaching at franklin.  and i'm happy to announce that both mamas are taking very good care of their little ones.


FINALLY nightfall arrived on february 19th.  i only received a partial order and i have just a few left.  i decided to try making the hitch hiker out of the sock yarn (which comes divided in two balls).  my original plan was to start with the black, work through the copper to the end of the first ball, start with the copper on the second ball, and finish with the black; however, as my work was progressing, i decided to end it after finishing the first ball and make it into a hitch hiker-ette.  the lighter weight and smaller size makes it perfect for spring and summer.  so in keeping with the spirit of frugality, i am willing to split the sock sets and sell each ball individually.

knit collage yarn:  similar in funkiness to the pagewood yarns, knit collage adds flowers and shiny embellishments directly onto the yarn which then gets knitted right in.  check them out at their new home in the kitchen cupboard here at the shop.  knit collage furnishes free patterns with purchase of the yarn as well.  

gypsy wool yarns fresh from boulder, colorado - all handspun, hand dyed yarns made in the mountain state.

the lavender fleece yarns straight from the farm in midland, michigan.  natural colors and natural fibers - leicester longwools and icelandic lambs wool yarns.  a rare find!

oh yes and wear your sunglasses to the shop because new lighting has finally been installed with more to come soon.

NEW BOOK:  elizabeth zimmerman's knitting without tears.  elizabeth was a very well-known knitter who passed back in 1999.  she revolutionized knitting and i feel like she speaks for me in many ways.  she was a very relaxed knitter and hated purling almost as much as i do.  her book is witty and informative and is an enjoyable read.  stop by and pick up a copy.  supplies are limited.


raspberry hill alpacas 50% off sale has been extended; pagewood farm rustic spun is 20% off; and all those ruffle mesh yarns are 20% off.

february's door prize winner was bobbi hineline.


at long last and after much cajoling, classes have been scheduled.  march/april/may classes are:

needle felted easter eggs:  
two large easter eggs and all materials will be supplied.  you may design however you like.  this class is being offered two days but select only one please.
friday march 22 1 to 3:30 and saturday march 23 1 to 3:30
       instructor:  laura tepke      
       cost:  $30 includes materials

Learn to Knit Socks:   Class will cover basic sock construction: ribbed cuff, heal flap & turn, foot length, and toe.  Students should be comfortable with both the knit and purl stitches.  Class will meet for three 2-hour sessions with a week break between classes 2 & 3.  Students should bring a set of 8-inch BAMBOO double pointed needles (size 3) and light worsted weight yarn of choice.  I recommend the bamboo needles because they are very light and therefore do not fall out of your project easily.  

thursdays april 4, 11, and 25 from 1 to 4
             instructor:  sally holbein    cost:  $50 

amazing stitches:  learn bumps bobbles and beads today! this will be a monthly class where students will learn three new items each class including different stitches, different ways to increase, decrease, cast on, etc.
      saturday, april 13 from 1 to 2:30  
      instructor:  toni ritchey       cost $10

silver stitch marker:  make your own lovely stitch marker with real silver
        tuesday, april 16 at 1:00
        instructor:  maia olivenstein
        cost:  $60 includes kit

machine felting:  Come join us for a day of fun and learn a new technique called machine needle felting. You don't have to have a machine, it is supplied for you. you will need to bring two pair of scissors - one pair of embroidery scissors and the other pair to cut fabric and paper.  The price of the class includes the use of a machine and your kit.  You can bring other items such as ribbon, beads, embroidery floss and buttons to embellish your piece.
Bring a bag lunch this will be an all day class.
 saturday, April 20th from 10:00am-5:00pm
 instructor:  laura tepke          cost: $81
(class size limited to 5 people, so sign up soon)

crochet edgings and embellishments:
 Learn to crochet a variety of edgings and clever embellishments.  Using basic stitches to enhance your knitted, woven or crocheted pieces, they will be transformed into fiber art. 
Please bring some crochet hooks and scrap yarns.  
wednesday, may 8 from 6 to 8
instructor:  rhonda pegg
cost:  $25

Freeform Crochet
Let’s play with basic crochet stitches in this class to create imaginative “scrumbles”.  These unique sculptural forms can be used to make hats, purses, anything goes!
Please bring some crochet hooks and a variety of scrap yarns.
wednesday may 22 from 6 to 8
instructor:  rhonda pegg
cost:  $25

 You will be fashioning a beautiful beaded pin or pendant as you learn the backstitch,peyote stitch and fringing techniques - beading around a button.  You may just, then, raid your Mother's and Grandmother's button box to create a family heirloom.  This technique involves working with thread, fine beading needle and small beads.
saturday, may 11 from 1 to 5
instructor:  dotty westerveld
cost: $45.00 includes the kit

garden path silk scarf kit:  this kit comes from pagewood farms and is perfect for spring and summer.  kit includes one hand-dyed silk scarf, die cut silk felt flowers, and mini skeins of pebbles yarn.  you will be supplied with needles and backing for use during the class.
          saturday, april 25 from 1 to 3
          instructor:  toni ritchey
          cost:  $40 includes all materials 

other classes are in the process of being scheduled for summer/fall:  knit/felt a sheep, other amazing stitches, wet felted bowl of cherries, blocks. updates will be sent out with further information or it will be on the website which will be up and running by march 15. 

thursday, march 7 at noon:  purlin girls at the bean
thursday, march 21 at noon:  dolly llamas at raggz
friday/saturday/sunday, march 15, 16, and 17:             Pittsburgh Knit and Crochet
store hours:  tuesdays march 12 and 26 - KA 1-5
              fridays march 1, 8, 22, and 29 from 1-6 
              (NOTE closed friday, march 15 for the festival)

birthday wishes go out to alice chelen and kay farabaugh!

see you soon!

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