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Friday, January 18, 2013

1.18.13 blog

oh my - i've been having so much fun that i forgot my newsletter was late! 
still working on the website and upcoming class schedule. i think you will be pleased with the variety of classes i have planned. my newest additions will be classes on crochet edgings, free-form crochet, an evening sock class, and an evening beginning knitters class.  may i remind you to please sign up for these blog updates by entering your email on the sidebar and please give me feedback to let me know how it works.  what happens is if the blog is updated, you receive notification; no new update, no new email.  my ad will be in the pittsburgh knit and crochet email very soon!

new this month:  
a sampling of handspun, hand dyed yarns from germany as well as the UK.  they are a little pricier but well worth it!

also new are some new colors in various funky yarns from crystal palace in shades of white/ecru and blue/green.  they are called 'treasure packs' and 2-4 skeins of various yarns in color schemes are put together.  there are a total of about 50 for each of the color schemes.  some really pretty stuff.

the newest member of our gift shop family is local zentangle artist and fellow knitter sylvia elliott. sylvia's knitting/sheep-themed cards are her original work on her own watercolor background.  

arent they wonderful?  you wont find them anywhere but here and the greensburg art center.

i was the lucky recipient of a visit from a new gang of fiber artists called 'the craftique fiber art group'.  these ladies meet at craftique in greensburg every saturday morning at ten and all are welcome to join them any time.  sylvia (who makes the zentangle cards), was kind enough to bring them over on saturday the 12th so we could meet.  so around ten, i was working on the computer (i was attempting to update my blog at that time) and heard this noise which kept getting louder and louder.  as i got up to see what the racket was, in pours 11-12 ladies!  what fun - it was just like when the tazmanian devil spun into a cartoon and back out again!  of course you all know i only have 8 chairs and have only had the pleasure of running out of chairs once before then!  wonderful ladies, all with different stories, knitting/crocheting experiences, but all fun-loving and wanting to learn more.  after they all left, the shop was much too quiet!  thanks ladies - now don't be strangers!

you'll also notice the next time you visit the shop, that i have a new handrail!  donna's husband constructed it for me and it looks great!

the tuesday night knitters club has decided on a name for their group:  they are now known as the 'close-knit girls'!  the perfect name!

laura mcquire showed me a new 'site' for knitting information.  its called new stitch a day.  check it out with this link, which you can sign up for daily updates: 

dates to remember:
tuesday, 1/22 1-5 knitters anonymous at raggz
tuesday, 1/22 6-8 close knit girls
thursday, 1/24 12-3 purlin girls latrobe bean
friday, 1/25 shop open 10-5

i am now the organizer of the greensburg fiber art meet up group.  we meet once a month - the second monday of the month at 2 at the panera in greensburg.  our first meeting was january 14. if you're interested, you can join the group at this link and be kept abreast of happenings.
at our last meeting, we had ladies who quilt, tat, knit, crochet, felt, stained glass, paint, knook, weave.....  it was a good time and we all learned something from each other.

today was a busy day at the shop and i had the pleasure of seeing monte (and dale), paula, and mary.  i've missed the last few purlin girls meetings so it was so nice to see them.  i hate to say that unfortunately i wont be able to make their next meeting on the 24th, as i will be at the pittsburgh center for the arts that day.  but i truly hope to be there in february.

something new that i will be starting in february will be pizza night one friday a month.  details to follow.  

the end is in sight for those socks i've been knitting for my son's 30th birthday (he is now 31) and plan on having them done THIS WEEK to send to him before he moves to portland.  thanks monte for your encouragement!

one last question:  if i knit fast enough, does it count as exercise??

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