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Thursday, October 16, 2014


did you know that november is support your local yarn shop month?  ok ok i made that up but it IS a great time to support your LYS with the holidays fast approaching - time to get things started before the crunch!  raggz has a bunch of classes on the docket in the nick of time.  think about signing up and learning something new or to make that special gift for someone.  see list below of upcoming classes.  also don't forget that i am now an approved ravelry store where you can purchase your patterns.  and if you purchase them through me, i give a 10% discount on all patterns!

Our own Donna Charlesworth is out of the hospital and on the mend.  she definitely needs to get a super-woman costume for halloween.  i have never seen anyone breeze through brain surgery and come out on the other side with no side effects and no pain.  one amazing lady!  we are all thankful she is doing so well.

Happy birthday wishes go out to Lougene W (10/17), Diane M (10/17), Deb S (10/19), Laura Mc (10/20), Mary L (10/25, and Alicia L (10.26)!  Hope you all have a fabulous birthday - now get over here for your $5 off birthday certificate!
happy birthday laura!

dates to remember

saturdays  10/18 and 25 - craftique fiber art group meets at craftique 10-12
monday 10/20 knit chicks meet at the bean at noon
thursday 10/23 purlin girls meet at the bean at noon
shop's open fridays 10/17, 24 and 31 from 10-6, saturdays 10/18 and 25 from 10-2, and tuesday 10/28 from 1-6
FRIDAY NOVEMBER 7 is our 3rd annual The Work of Our Hands art/craft show this year being held at the Lamplighter Restaurant on Route 22 in Delmont from 10-7.  this show had been an open house at the Mock's in Murrysville until we outgrew the house.  please be sure to stop by - these are all local artists, some of whom you will know.  check out the event on my Facebook page for photos of some of the work you will be able to purchase at this show.  time to begin your Christmas shopping and also to support local artists and crafts people and buy MADE IN AMERICA one of a kind items!  please spread the word and help out show be a big success!  Some of the items for sale will be  pottery, fiber goodies, leather bound journals, pastries, handmade pens, goats milk soap, hand painted glass, jewelry and much much more!  note that the shop will be CLOSED NOVEMBER 7th.

tuesday, october 28th there will be a make and take demo making felt acorns.  for $5 you can make five acorns - instruction and all materials included

upcoming classes*

W 10/22 broomstick crochet
S 10/25 homeopathic class (if you are into doing things the natural way, this class is a MUST!
M 11/10 arm knitting
W 11/12 polish porcupine ornament
W 11/19 felt loom scarf
W 12/3 snowman purse (3 classes)
*see website for complete details and photos below of class sample
broomstick crochet

arm knitting

polish star ornament

felt loom scarf

snowman purse

just finished teaching a beginning knitting class at franklin regional.  the ladies have caught on well and are on their way to making a sweater, baby blankets, a throw, and dish cloths.  great group of ladies that i have enjoyed working with!  i hope to see them at the shop in the future happily knitting away.  last night one of the girls shared that she just found out she was pregnant and we were all so happy that all we talked about the rest of the night was babies.  poor young thing got way more advice than she bargained for!

i don't know about the rest of you but i get so busy this time of year that i lose things.  what i lost recently was my 'to do notebook'.  it has all my computer passwords in it!!!  yikes!  i finally did find it underneath some other things but i have also misplaced two knitting projects and a large plastic container with wet felting supplies in it!  happens to me every year at this time.  HELP!!

as another year slowly comes to a close, and i begin to think about my 4th year as a yarn shop, i would like to get some feedback from you all about anything and everything.  i am going to have sales to move out some of my slow moving yarn to be replaced with some new yarns.  i am toying with carrying Madelain Tosh, Kraemer, Malibrigo (if i can get an account with them).  please let me know some of your favorite yarns so i can make that decision.  i have found that i have a hard time moving the more expensive yarns so i will have to look into it.

as you know, i have extended my hours somewhat to include saturdays.  so far other than the day no one was manning the shop, sales have been slow to none.  so i will do this through the end of the year and decide if its worth it or not.  i may do the pgh knit and crochet show again in march to try to get my name out there.  i hired a marketing firm to help get my website out there a little better and that does seem to be panning out.  i also need to bite the bullet and put some ads in local magazines and knitting magazines but boy they are so costly and i didn't want to spend the money but if i don't do it…..  i am only giving this business five years and i'm more than halfway at this point.  so i really would like some help with any suggestions you may have.  you can post to this blog or email me at or tell me in person.  my feelings won't be hurt - honest!

i believe i will close for a couple of weeks in january to do some minor refurbishing at the shop.  i plan on tearing up all the carpeting and enjoying the wood floors underneath, as i did next door at our home.  just hoping i don't find a mess under there. i also plan on doing some painting and have a friend who is good at interior design to help me re-do the shop in a fun and efficient way.

random photos:

these three photos were taken at the wet felt pumpkin class on october 13th
connie's white felt pumpkin

deb's felt pumpkin with large leaves

monte's bright orange pumpkin
my pumpkins and a dish of acorns

so long for now!

Sunday, October 5, 2014


"I LOVE YARN DAY" is friday, october 10th!  pop into the shop and we can all celebrate our love of fibers together.  there will be unadvertised specials and special treats so you won't know what you're missing unless you stop by.  coffee will be free that day to go along with the treats!


Saturday, October 4, 2014

october 4 2014

well, ligonier country market ended like the proverbial lion.  it was windy, rainy and cold!  i arrived at my usual time, around 6:30 a.m. and set up my tent and put the sides up to keep the rain out but there was no keeping out the wind!  it took a long time to get the sides up due to the strong winds and once i finally got almost settled in, the wind caught up the tent and raised it up along with the stakes twice!  then after all of my wonderful knitted and felted things got blown down the third time, i packed up and decided to visit and shop at the market, something i rarely get to do.  it was fun seeing most of the vendors (i say 'most' because there were quite a few missing due to the inclement weather).  i bought some wonderful concord grapes, veggies, pears, a wonderful handmade fountain pen made by Lynn Owens' husband Dave (Ducky's Pens), a woven rug for the shop, my favorite soap from Rebecca Hilko Shepler (not only great soap for washing with but great for felting as well), etc etc.

funny thing that happened today.  Thea mans the shop on saturday from 10 to 2 but was under the weather today.  i couldn't get ahold of tom to tell him to go ahead and lock the shop door.  some time around 11 i got a call on my cell that said it was from the state of indiana.  usually i don't answer unknown calls, figuring they are telemarketers.  glad i did - the lady on the other end said she was at my shop and no one was here.  i proceeded to tell her why and said if she wanted to purchase something to go ahead and do it because i wasn't due home for over another hour.  she said she would happily write a detailed list of everything.  well by the time i dilly dallied home, i found that there had been THREE customer there today.  the two ladies from indiana were together, and another lady from ligonier was there also.  they all made purchases and i believe i am now the first self serve yarn shop in the state, maybe even the world!?

Happy birthday wishes go out to sheila m (11th), karen s (12th).  happy birthday you two!   get over here to the shop for your $5 off birthday certificate!

dates to remember

monday 10/6 knit chicks meet at the bean at noon
tuesday 10/7 close knit girls meet at panera 6-8
thursday 10/9 purlin girls meet at the bean at noon
friday 10/10 shop open 10-6
saturday 10/11 shop open 10-2
saturday 10/11 craftique fiber art group meets at craftique 10-12
tuesday 10/14 shop open 1-6 
REMINDER:  The Work of Our Hands* Art/Craft show will be held at the Lamplighter Restaurant this year on Friday, november 7 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.  All local artists and craftsmen.  Be sure to check us out!
*formerly the open house at the Mock's in murrysville (we outgrew the house)

upcoming classes (photos below)*

10/13 wet felt pumpkin class
10/20 felt lamb (4 classes)
10/22 broomstick crochet
11/10 arm knitting
11/19 felt loom scarf
12/3 snowman purse (3 classes)
*see website for more details
BONUS:  a $5 make and take class will be held on tuesdays october 14 and 28th at 2 and 4 pm.  we will be making felted acorns!!  come and make a few!  all materials included

felt pumpkin class monday october 13th, 1-4 pm $30 includes all materials

felt lamb class 4 mondays - 10/20, 27 and 11/3 & 17) $50 includes pattern & curls
our lambs will be white
crochet broomstick lace class wednesday 10/22 1-3 pm $30
arm knitting - yes with your ARMS
monday november 10 1:00 $25 includes all materials

feltLOOM scarf using silk and wool
wednesday november 19 1:00  $30 includes all materials

snowman purse class 3 wednesdays (12/3, 10, and 17)  $50 includes yarn and pattern

some photos of recent classes at raggz:

deb and her beautiful felt flower

the rest of the classes flowers

ceramic buttons before firing

guess who????  blast from the past